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For advanced Zen practitioners

30 Swiss francs
Hinotori An

Service Description

This practice aims to guide the student to the state of no-mind (Mushin). During the practice the inner silence deepens, and moments of timeless and non-spatial emptiness begin to manifest more and more often. Students begin to understand that the learned Zen techniques must be transcended for Zazen to become an actualized state of enlightened Buddha-nature. The class includes two periods of sitting meditation (Zazen) and one period of walking meditation (Kinhin). The silence is broken only during occasional instructions, so additional conversations with the sensei are necessary. The intensity of the practice is increased through attendance to longer Sesshins. REQUIREMENTS: Please read the Zendo guidelines to learn about requirements and other instructions (add link) Students can only enter Passage Training after consulting with Sensei (Practice Discussion). Schedule: Thu, Fri / 20:15-21:15 Participants: 4 Teaching tuition: 30 CHF (single class) / 270 CHF (10 classes subscription)

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend the training you have booked, please cancel your booking 24 hours before the start of the course so that the practice you have missed can be replaced at a later point in time.

Contact Details

  • Hinotori An

    Kinkelstrasse 10, Zürich, Switzerland

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