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Intro Sesshin

This intensive training is aimed at people who are not yet familiar with meditation and Zen Buddhism. Especially for those who may have read about Zen, but only meditated alone, with applications and without an experienced teacher. This retreat can give them an impression of the Zen monastic practice without traveling far or sleeping away from home.

This retreat is a prerequisite for participating in a regular Sesshin or the One Month Semi Resident training

Resolutely train yourself to attain peace.



DATES:     18-19.04. / 17.-18.10. 

COSTS:    CHF 160 - 180 (members) / CHF 200 (non-members)


If you're unable to pay this amount, please offer what you can. If you would like to make an additional donation, it would be appreciated.  For payment options follow the link


During the weekend you will receive instruction in Zazen (seated meditation), Kinhin (walking meditation) and have the opportunity to experience Samu (Zen practice through work), Chado (Tea way), and have a face-to-face conversation with a teacher when you can ask questions about spiritual development. You will learn how to establish a consistent home practice and how to incorporate it into your work, family, and relationships. In addition, you will have the opportunity for private interview with a teacher.  This retreat gives you a chance to learn how to perceive simple everyday activities as a way to deepening your understanding of life and enables you to experience the power of your own deepest stillness. 


Accommodation is not offered.


What to bring?

Please note that Zendo implements practice in all areas of life, which means that you will find simplicity without comfortable sofas or pillows. The only comfort are the dining table and the chairs in the western seating style. 


Hinotori strive to keep prices as low as possible and to give everyone the opportunity to participate in the practice. No deposit is required to register. However, due to the limited number of places, you are expected to cancel your participation in good time if you are unable to join for any reason. Thank you for your practice and continued support.  Please do not let financial problems prevent you from attending a program in Hinotori Zendo. If you can’t afford the program fee, get in touch to find another solution. 


It is my top priority that all students are healthy and safe. Please inform me of any health problems before the retreat to discuss the adjustments in practice. If you don't feel well during the training, please let me know immediately!



You will receive the detailed program upon registration. Accommodation is not offered.


Saturday: 7:45 arrival, 17:30 closing

Sunday:    7:45 arrival, 17:30 closing

Zendo Etiquette

Each action performed in Zendo should serve as a practice aimed at focusing on the NOW. To achieve this, Zendo has a set of rules that are clearly defined to create a smooth practice and optimal coexistence of all practitioners. Please read before entering the practice.

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